Future Objectives
Feb 2007 Filed in: Website
I've been spending my time getting TLOC ready for publishing with InDesign. I've taken one part, extracted all of the graphics files, saved them in ChemDraw, exported them as EPS files, and imported the document into InDesign. I then manually replaced each low res structure with the corresponding EPS file. What really made this doable in a practical sense was to use Quickeys. I created scripts that would go through MS Word, find the structures, copy them, paste them into ChemDraw, and save them. This took about 1.5 hrs (I was away). When I came back, it was done. I created another script to open each file and then save at as the EPS file. That took about an hour. I struggled with creating a script that I could use to put the files into InDesign. I didn't really attack this with the idea of using a script. As a consequence, I partly made it more difficult than it needed to have been. (I just realized this now.). I ended up creating another script that would let me place each file where it needed to be and scaled it into the graphics box. This was part script and part manual. I did that in a few hours. So, I did most of the heavy lifting in much less time than I first imagined. More importantly, by using scripts, it save me a lot of trouble matching content. Whew.
While that task in being worked on, I really need to get back to remedying parts of my website. My Google ads aren't generating the specific click through rate I would hope for.
While that task in being worked on, I really need to get back to remedying parts of my website. My Google ads aren't generating the specific click through rate I would hope for.

While that task in being worked on, I really need to get back to remedying parts of my website. My Google ads aren't generating the specific click through rate I would hope for. I think part of that is I am not truly in tune with the Google philosophy. Some of my specific keywords don't go to those mechanisms directly. Furthermore, those mechanisms are image pages without text. I think I need to added meta text to correspond with the mechanisms. Without that, I don't think my Google organic rating will be able to climb very much. Another problem to fix.
When I set up my sales page, I had signed up with the Google Marketplace, I set it up to accept payment. However, I didn't or couldn't check to see that it worked. I had a message from someone who tried to use it and failed. As a solution, I could use osCommerce with PayPal. My ISP has an osCommerce as part of their package. The only thing is that I went about half way through setting that up before and gave up. I spent a couple of hours today on setting that up. It still needs finishing.